Our mission is dedication to improving the lives of all peoples through community service. Star Trek Style.
The ChapterEstablished 1993
San Antonio, Texas |
Crew In ActionFamily Friendly & Geeky
Vulcan-teers |
"Star Trek is an attempt to say that humanity will reach maturity and wisdom on the day that it begins to not just tolerate, but take a special delight in differences in ideas and differences in life forms."
- Gene Roddenberry, Creator of Star Trek
We're always looking for new friends! Prospective members please come visit us at our monthly meetings on the 2nd Saturday of the month at BattlePub Games at Rolling Oaks Mall.
- Use the contact form below to send your name, email, social media handles and a little bit about yourself.
- It is not required to join our parent organization STARFLEET International to be a member of our chapter.
- If you are under the age of 18, you must have your guardian’s written permission to attend any club meetings, activities or volunteer events.
Monthly Meeting
The USS Bexar general meeting occurs monthly on the 2nd Saturday every month.
BattlePub Games at Rolling Oaks Mall
Check us out on social media for day to day updates.
Instagram: @USSBEXAR
Facebook: Uss Bexar NCC-71718
BattlePub Games at Rolling Oaks Mall
Check us out on social media for day to day updates.
Instagram: @USSBEXAR
Facebook: Uss Bexar NCC-71718
Our crew volunteers at family friendly events, comic-cons, festivals and public school events. If you are looking for volunteers, or for more information, please fill out our contact form.

The Elf Louise Christmas Project provides a little bit of joy to Bexar County’s less fortunate children. Volunteers have a range of opportunities to volunteer: Data Entry, Gift Wrapping, Toy Delivery and more.

The San Antonio Food Bank - You can volunteer your time, food, money, or voice. You can donate to the crew's campaign directly to the food bank
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